Albin Rose

Albin Rose


Violin & Viola, Cello

Troy – $30 per half hour

There is no perfection in music. Perfection is an absolute, and artistic endeavors deal with too many subjectives. Excellence, rather, is what artists should strive for.

On Practicing: ‘It’s not how much, but how’.

-Robert Dan

Mr. Rose currently teaches 6th-12th grade orchestra at Royal Oak Schools. He is unable to accept any private students enrolled in these Orchestras classes because of the conflict of interest.

  • BA in Music Education – Michigan State University, 2000
  • MA in Humanities (Interdisciplinary) – Central Michigan University, 2007
  • String Orchestra Instructor in the Royal Oak School District, 2001 – 2007 and 2011 – present
  • Violist – MSU Symphony Orchestra & Campus Orchestra, 1987 – 2000
  • Electric Bassist / Cellist / Guitarist / Violist / Violinist / Percussionist in various performing groups in the Southern Michigan Area, 1993 – Present


  • Composition for String Ensembles (Quartets, School-Age string orchestras)
  • Song-writing for current performing group
  • Spending quantity and quality time with my son and wife.

Books & Materials Needed

Depends on the student. New students should bring with them all the materials they have most recently used, so I can get a sense of what’s been addressed and how to approach further study.
